unlik2017-02-28 00:55:46
Network administration
unlik, 2017-02-28 00:55:46

Server and hosting security?

Developed a corporate online database.
The data is private, so it shouldn't be leaked.
What is safer to place it on? Vps or regular hosting is also suitable?

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3 answer(s)
Sanes, 2017-02-28

An administrator must be attached to the VPS. As a rule bases flow away through leaky scripts.

Ivan, 2017-02-28

Icons on the server that you put on the mezzanine at home will give you a 100% guarantee.
For such tasks, in principle, no one takes VPS or hosting. The server is placed "at home", where, as you have already been told, the admin is in charge of it. Then there are his problems. But in fact, even here there may be bugs and ... The most important thing is INSIDE. This is the easiest and most effective way. It's better to think about your manager, who will go with the entire database to competitors, than about an eftdimensional specialist. hosting, which hardly knows what is spinning on the machines of clients (most likely it doesn't give a shit).
If you think that some kind of AWS will save you, then read about the latest Cloudflare bug that proxies an overdofig of companies from the top 100.

Puma Thailand, 2017-02-28

Damn, well, this is not even funny.
A question from the category of how to safely shoot yourself in the leg in the thigh or ankle, try testing yourself by hitting yourself in the leg with a stick first.
If it speaks of some kind of security, then at least dedicate with an encrypted section of the database

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