Alexander Wolf2013-06-15 23:01:24
Alexander Wolf, 2013-06-15 23:01:24

Sampling by regular expression?

Hello! Please tell me: in my database table, the data is stored in this way:
id | name | items
1 | test | '0, 2, 3'
2 | test2 | '1, 4'
3 | test3 | '5'
And I need to make a selection ( `id` - int, `name` - varchar, `items` - varchar), for example, by the presence of the number 4 in items
. ВЫБРАТЬ `name` ГДЕ `items` СОДЕРЖИТ '4';must issue test2etc.
I apologize for such a chaotic question, but still.

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3 answer(s)
Konstantin Birzhakov, 2013-06-16

In this case, it is more convenient to make a linked ordered_items table, this will greatly untie your hands when developing the project.

larikov, 2013-06-15

select name from your_table where find_in_set('4', items) > 0

raskumandrin, 2013-06-15

Add ", " at the beginning and end of the line, then use like:
select * from your_table where concat( ', ' , items , ', ' ) like ', 4, '

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