vialka2015-01-02 16:07:48
vialka, 2015-01-02 16:07:48

Resolution (pix./inch) of works for portfolio?

Perhaps the question is stupid)
I noticed that on retina displays, the works in the portfolio (jpg / png files with a resolution of 72 pixels / inch) are a little blurry (pixels are visible). Is it worth uploading files with a resolution of 300 ppi so that everything looks good on retina displays? Will this have some negative effect on regular resolution displays?
Or even not 300, but 326 pixels / inch ... I don’t really understand (there is no poppy)

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2 answer(s)
vaux, 2015-01-02

If you want your work to look good both on regular displays and on retina, upload 2 versions of each work. Let's say for ordinary monitors the image resolution will be 800x600, and for the retina, say, 1600x1200, that is, 2 times more. How to make it so that for certain displays the picture is shown in the appropriate resolution? Here you can google for: images for retina display. This topic is already pretty hackneyed.

vialka, 2015-01-02

I must have misunderstood the question, since there is no answer.

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