angelov2011-10-26 08:55:10
Sound processing
angelov, 2011-10-26 08:55:10

Recommend a sound editor

Advise what is the current sound editor. It is desirable that under Linux-ohm there was also a free one.
I used to work at Sony's Sound Forge - it was de facto, I would like it with the same capabilities. Now how are things going with this?

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2 answer(s)
d4rkr00t, 2011-10-26

Look in the direction of audacity, pretty decent features, I haven’t used Sound Forge for a long time, I can’t compare, but I think it will do. And it works under Linux.

Eddy_Em, 2011-10-26

Plus audacity - the simplest editor.
If you need something more complex, you should pay attention to Muse, Rosegarden, LMMS.

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