titanbull2011-06-09 04:29:52
titanbull, 2011-06-09 04:29:52

Recommend a good offline\online flea market with laptops in St. Petersburg

Does anyone sell, for example, laptops from Europe and the USA (for example, I need a laptop without Russian layout). I know about avito.ru, overclockers. Anything else?

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3 answer(s)
densilvio, 2011-06-09

In St. Petersburg - Juno is beyond competition :)

herfleisch, 2011-06-09

Unfortunately, Juno has long been turning from a flea market into a shopping center with goods and prices like in ordinary computer stores. But if you search, you can still find something.

Dmitry Petrov, 2016-02-10

look at www.bigunok.ru in the section: Computers and components.

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