ogsv752017-07-21 19:32:53
Hard disks
ogsv75, 2017-07-21 19:32:53

Recommend a data recovery program?

Good afternoon,
A rather unpleasant situation has occurred - the hard drive on the laptop has died. The disk has already been replaced (I have long wanted to install an SSD), but I would like to get the data, because. the last backup was made 3 months ago, and according to some reports, I didn’t make backups at all.
The symptoms are as follows - when you connect the disk to the computer via USB, the computer quickly determines that the disk is there and starts to "read" it. After about half an hour of crackling (most of the time quite normal crackling, with rare "unhealthy clicks"), he realizes that there are 2 logical disks, after another hour he says "before using the disks, they need to be formatted."
The problem, as I understand it, is in a large number of bad clusters on the disk. I tried quite a lot of software designed for "data recovery" (mostly from the corresponding section of the well-known tracker), but they all freeze just like Windows itself - i.e. it looks like he is trying to access the disk in some standard way. Of those programs that have advanced further: HDD Regenerator - it immediately saw the disk and started scanning it, finding a lot of bad ones and Acronis Disk Director along the way (if you run it from a flash drive). However, both of these tools are intended, as I understand it, to treat the disk, and I need to "just" copy the data, those that can be copied.
I would very much like something either with a bootable flash drive or working from under the 10th Windows.
ps Checkdisk did not try, because. they write that he can easily finish off the disk, well, he is again "trying to heal", but I need to "get it" ...

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4 answer(s)
Astrohas, 2017-07-21

r-studio works best . She easily copes with bad blocks, and does not slow down on each block. He himself recently restored from the railway that fell from the fourth floor

Dmitry, 2017-07-21

Try to look at other questions on disks in the "data recovery" tag. Otaetapproximately always the same. If the data is valuable, bring it to specialists as soon as possible.
If the disk and data are not a pity, read the recovery articles, for example https://habrahabr.ru/users/hddmasters/posts/

Puma Thailand, 2017-07-22

you have a mechanical problem
here, the program will not help
, and the more you rape the disk like this, the less likely it is that something can be restored from there , take it
to the office and try to restore it

DVoropaev, 2017-07-31

As in previous answers, I will say that if the data is very important, then immediately bring it to specialists. But if you want to do it yourself, then you should first create an iso image of the disk with the dd utility on a linux system and make a copy of this image. When working with a hard drive, you may accidentally overwrite the recoverable data. When working with a copy, you do not risk anything. If there is no computer with linux installed, then we take a flash drive of 2 GB or more, upload a live image of linux to it (almost anyone will do, for example ubuntu), and boot from it.

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