Sekira2012-12-25 16:08:44
Sekira, 2012-12-25 16:08:44

Recommend a backup program with file name encryption

You need a backup program for Windows with file name encryption so that without a password you can't even see the list of files in the archive (as is done in rar).

Cobian Backup is a good program, but it doesn't encrypt filenames. It would be possible to fasten the console rar and, after creating a backup, perform archiving with encryption of file names, but in the standard functionality of Cobian Backup I did not find how to use the name of the newly obtained archive in the console command, that is, it still needs to be determined, for example, by date, then there is a bat-nick to write or others like that. I don't like this solution, as there are a lot of middleware, and if an error occurs in any one, I may not know about it.

In general, this is all you need to organize backups in DropBox. There were Variants of DropBox+CobianBackup, DropBox+TrueCrypt, etc. TrueCrypt is not very convenient to work in an encrypted container, and it is uploaded to DropBox only after it is unmounted. Therefore, I would like some program to make fully encrypted backups in the DropBox folder, and DropBox has already uploaded them to its server.

Thanks to all!

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3 answer(s)
KEKSOV, 2012-12-25

7-zip.org.ua/ru encrypts the entire archive, I use it specifically for uploading to dropbox
Command line:
7z.exe a -ms=on -mx=9 -y -m0=ppmd:mem=256m:o=32 -v1g -pВашСложныйПароль -mhe имя_архива имя_директории
the -v1g key splits the archive into 1g files (if not needed, you can remove it)
Or tick the box in the GUI client and set a password.

Ruslan, 2016-03-26

I like the program https://cloudbackuprobot.com/ accessible and convenient, I have been using it for more than a year.

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