NikSIk312020-12-30 13:02:56
Search Engine Optimization
NikSIk31, 2020-12-30 13:02:56

Quick toaster indexing?

Good afternoon!
I loaded a question on the toaster and in just a couple of hours it could be found in the search not just at the end, but even close to the beginning. How did the toaster make it so that Google indexed the new page so quickly? Because I know it takes months.
Is it all because of the sitemap? Is it necessary to do it, and how much does it help?

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3 answer(s)
DENIS Kokorev, 2020-12-30

If the site is popular, then Google itself indexes more often. Well, the sitemap may have an hourly update. weekly, monthly, daily, hourly, etc. If you go into the subsections , you can see these directives. But even if you set it to hourly and the site is not popular, Google will ignore it. Basically, he relies on his algorithms.
Well, according to tradition:
-But this is not accurate ...

Puma Thailand, 2020-12-30

What months is that?
A few days are spent on indexing on new projects

WebReklamist, 2020-01-03

The speed of updating the site is greatly influenced by the speed of adding / updating content and the presence of links to the site. The speed of getting into the index depends on the specified factors, it is easy to manage. Usually it's hours/days, but not exactly months. I usually have it for several hours, after pinging with software and leaving links on different services.
Everything that is indicated in the map has almost no effect.

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