king22012-01-28 11:28:53
Career in IT
king2, 2012-01-28 11:28:53

Question for employers: what is your attitude to this form of resume?

There is such a summary here: king2.net/files/resume-example.doc
Written "not according to the canons", frivolous and even a little grey.

Question: if you received such a resume, what would you think of its author, and would you hire him or not? Why?

Thank you!

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19 answer(s)
IvanFF, 2012-01-28

This is not a summary. This is an essay on the topic “How I spent my life, and I want to tell people about it.”
Are you asking if the form of presentation is normal? IMHO for the resume is unacceptable. One gets the feeling that you have big problems with self-affirmation and with the help of this resume you are trying to win back.
What should you be applying for?
"Experience with reliable \ high-load applications" What is this? Do you know how to use mail on gmail`e? Great.
Well, the obvious things to write in the minuses are mauvais ton.
I understand why you made just such a resume, because for 20 years of work experience, skills and abilities are not enough. Or you carefully concealed them. But if I were you, I would make a summary "according to the canons" - and dilute it with "author's moments." And clean up this sheet for the interview.

CKOPOBAPKuH, 2012-01-28

Here's what I thought when I read it:
> Developed our own "CMS in the bud with an uncommitted API" - there is
no way to think about what might be required in the future. do not give architectural tasks
> Experience with high-load applications
> 80 pages per second
> The ability to store the entire project in memory, along with its smallest nuances,
did not work with large projects
> Reduced work productivity, if you force it to work in the “Tajik at a construction site” mode, that is, “you dig a hole, your business is small, why it will be decided by the authorities ". I believe that every soldier should know his own maneuver, there will be more benefits for the cause, and this will solve many problems even at the stage of planning the application architecture.
> Attention! At the same time, it's boring and awful.
any task will distract the team lead or pma for at least half a day. and then both at once

Yuri Morozov, 2012-01-29

On duty, I had to interview characters with a similar resume several times.
Most often these are people with highly inflated self-esteem, in real life they are nothing of themselves.
A sort of doctorhouse syndrome, minus the genius of doctorhouse.
Therefore, prepare in advance for a biased attitude on the part of the interviewer.
And, yes, mentioning highload, joomla and eighty pages per second in one sentence is nonsense.

edogs, 2012-01-28

This hurt the most

Полное непонимание и неприятие подхода советской школы, когда квалификацию определяют по количеству выученных наизусть функций языка.
This is not the approach of the Soviet school, this is the approach of a person who does not like to hire "dynamically and quickly learning employees without experience."
When we see a phrase like “I don’t know the functions, but there is a manual” in the resume, then immediately the image of a novice freelancer rises before our eyes, who will leaf through the documentation for every occasion (killing 50% of the time on this) + will not know the features of these functions (in emergency situations, both in terms of memory consumption and speed) + at least 10% of the standard functions will be implemented by your bike (because I did not know about their existence).
Plus , again, it’s unrealistic to work professionally and for a long time with the language and not know the functions ... we are surprised by people who can’t even pass a free php test of 10 questions.
And debugerrors in the current product? If a person does not remember by heart the order of the arguments in a function, how will he immediately understand that the previous proger made a mistake by writing file_put_contents('content of file','name of file')? But for an experienced and in the subject - it will be just a pain in the eyes, immediately noticeable and there will be no need to check and debug a ton of code.
When we started working, we also thought that experience is not important, the main thing is to know programming, so we understand your position ... we just don’t share it :) Understanding the importance of experience comes only with experience.
ps: here's almost the same topic habrahabr.ru/blogs/gtd/136291/#comment_4533538

Solver, 2012-01-28

Why the 7th pin? 4th would be even easier to read...

cypok, 2012-01-28

For design:
* make the font twice as large, remember the wonderful book rules about 80 characters per line, because it is impossible to read;
* be kind to people, post digital versions of documents in PDF, not everyone has Microsoft Office or Libre Office (I have neither; yes, this happens).

TheHorse, 2012-01-28

The ability to store the entire project in memory, along with its smallest nuances (from interface details to database optimization, expansion options, including those not declared in the TOR, taking into account the bottlenecks of architecture and hardware) when developing architecture

Yes, you are clearly joking.
Your resume doesn't make it very clear what positions you're applying for.

Victor Glembitsky, 2012-01-28

I really liked it, my reaction was that if there were vacancies, I would at least invite you to a face-to-face meeting.

Nicolette, 2012-01-28

What would I think:
1. He is not friendly with the Russian language, he does not know how to use a spell checker (missing commas, “nuances”).
2. Why might a resume need a list of countries in which a person has vacationed, a list of his pets and a dream?

Vladson, 2012-01-28

A resume is not a way to shrug it off, if you are a good specialist, you can show it at the interview. If not, then at least you have a resume from Lebedev, you won’t get a job with him.
To attract attention (to get to the interview stage where you can show yourself) it is enough to have a simple resume that contains brief but capacious information. Resumes are usually considered in batches, so the higher the ratio of “information / number of letters”, the more likely you are to be invited.

Ivan Tikhonov, 2012-01-29

A resume is not only a way to weed out applicants, but also a way to weed out companies where you don’t want to work, so it’s not a bad way.
What I would fix
1. Remove emoticons
2. Correct typos like “nuances”
3. No need to write shortcomings in the resume. call it a vision of the world or wishes to the employer or whatever.
Behind such a resume should be a solid experience and a set of skills, because. if after him at the interview there are plugs, rolling his eyes to the ceiling with hanging and lowing, or obvious mistakes, then they will consider him a show off.
I would invite you for an interview, at least out of interest.

LayneBuchyn, 2012-01-30

I think that one of the commenters above was right: You don't want to waste your time on those offices for which such frivolity is not allowed. And I agree with you 300%.
I was recently asked to send my resume to a well-known firm (I was interested in interesting offers for the future after the end of the current project, which I am doing, working alone on a full-time basis). At my current job, I'm used to the fact that I have a sufficient degree of freedom both in the choice of development technologies, learning new things, making decisions, etc., and in the work schedule. Thanks to this, in a very short time (less than a year), I learned so much that I overtook many familiar programmers who have many times more experience. The fact is that I did not initially follow the path of a “trained” programmer, for whom they decide what and how to do, how quickly to develop and how serious tasks to trust him. I have a project - and I will bear full responsibility if I do not master everything that I need to know in the right time, and will not apply this knowledge. This brought up purposefulness, accelerated development, and in general gave only positive results - I love my job, the HR is growing, tasks are being completed, it is beneficial for both me and the employer - after all, my salary is not raised at the same rate as I am growing, but at the same time At the same time, I will not abandon the project, and will not leave for the job in which the degree of freedom will be less. As O-Sho said, “Whatever gives you freedom is right. Anything that takes her away is not." “Whatever gives you freedom is right. Anything that takes her away is not." “Whatever gives you freedom is right. Anything that takes her away is not."
So: I wrote such a frivolous resume (very similar to yours, only I’m younger, respectively, fewer points in my work experience), and received a response that said that my salary expectations do not correspond to a small and “indistinct” work experience , non-core education, and "some strange resume." Accordingly, thanks to such a frivolous resume, I immediately weeded out a bad vacancy for myself and saved the time that I would have spent on an interview. After all, the “indistinct” experience meant that I didn’t write everything that they would say as a “trained programmer”, but I made the decision myself, and alone I implemented quite large projects, I thought myself, studied myself and from my colleagues, I CREATED. Calculating experience over the years only works for the "trained", because different people learn and gain experience at different speeds, including much depends on the projects for which the person undertook and carried out. linking to specialized education is also ridiculous, because many of my acquaintances programmers with specialized education are much less competent, IMHO everyone knows the quality of our IT education.
I probably wrote my story in vain, because the conversation is not about me, but I said this to the fact that the moral of this story is this: thanks to such a summary, you will weed out those employers that, by definition, do not suit you, weed out all the boring shitty offices that don’t give create. And this is good. A good employer will definitely pay attention to such a resume, and I think you will see it yourself soon;)

Alexey, 2012-01-28

Name, phone, email?

osby, 2012-01-28

I would advise you to still write a short version. Those who are interested can read and expanded.

esc, 2012-01-28

The resume is normal, it says more about the author than what is done "according to the canons." There are some suspicions about inflated self-esteem, but this is what I would find out in the interview. If I got a job, I would send it in this style. If they kill me, then apparently this is not the office in which I would like to work.

Vitaly Zheltyakov, 2012-01-28

Quite normal for the author's requests. As I understand it, the author does not need an office or a corporation with strict rules.
I myself have about the same resume - there were no problems with employment.
The only remark: at the end of the dream, fix it, one gets the idea of ​​​​you as a freeloader.

Anatoly, 2012-01-28

When writing a resume, do not forget that it is read primarily by managers and not by technical specialists, and it is for them that you need to highlight “keywords”, because it depends on them whether the resume will go further. And do not forget that when a vacancy opens, a lot of resumes can come in a day (depending on the city), a couple of hundred a day can easily come in a millionaire. So it’s just worth correcting the resume so that it is convenient for the “ordinary person” to read it, at least not because _it’s necessary_, but simply at least in order to simplify his life, and not force him to read a hash. Managers from your resume need 10% no more =)

lalaki, 2012-01-28

The first feeling is “a lot of letters”, the desire to briefly state your theses is very important for several reasons.
It also seems that the ego sticks out, but there is also a possible originality.
Therefore, in the end, I would invite / call in order to personally understand whether there is something other than ego.

lalaki, 2012-01-28

in general, this is a good hook for a discussion with a person, showing intelligence / worldview / character / ethics, etc., which is more important than current skills.

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