rustler20002012-03-30 15:03:21
rustler2000, 2012-03-30 15:03:21

Quantum physics textbook

I am looking for a textbook on quantum physics for children of primary preschool age:

  • Preferably with a bigger font.
  • One page on the spread was in color, and the second was B&W, so that the child could decorate, for example, the wave function.
  • Not very thick, but at least the terms “on the tongue” stick.

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3 answer(s)
egorinsk, 2012-03-30

Which child do you want to raise?
I don’t know about quantum physics (yeah, I remember there are funny formulas with half-page integrals), and in English (alas) there are textbooks on electricity, statistics, relativity, databases and something else in the form of comics. Although for preschool age, it is probably a bit complicated: nostarch.com/manga
I haven't read them, don't think anything like that, I just saw the link somewhere!

Zeldan, 2012-03-30

In my childhood there were no coloring books, and at the age of 3 I relied on Fekhtengolts ...

Anderwonder, 2012-03-30

I do not want to offend anyone, but do you yourself understand what quantum physics is? I doubt it, otherwise they would not have been looking for a textbook on it for kindergarten. First figure it out yourself, and then tell the child if he is really interested in it - in any case, there will be much more benefit. Basically, everything has its time.
And the above links are most reminiscent of the cycle of literature "For Dummies", which has a very distant relation to education.

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