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Python: how to catch keyboard shortcuts?
Hello. I'm using win32api to emulate keystrokes. Everything is clear and simple here. But how can you catch keystrokes?
For example, I assigned the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Home, and if they are pressed, the script was launched.
Thanks in advance.
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Also very interested in this question. If there is a solution, drop the python code here in the comments.
PS (two days later) I solved the issue.
import win32api
import pythoncom
import pyHook
def OnKeyboardEvent(event):
# проверяем статусы клавиш-модификаторов
# возвращаемые значения:
# 0 или 1 - клавиша отжата
# (-127) или (-128) - клавиша нажата
ALT = win32api.GetKeyState(0x12) #
CTRL = win32api.GetKeyState(0x11)
SHIFT = win32api.GetKeyState(0x10)
LWIN = win32api.GetKeyState(0x5B)
HOME = win32api.GetKeyState(0x24)
if event.Key=='Home' and event.MessageName == 'key down':
if CTRL<0 and SHIFT<0 and ALT<0:
print('Нажата комбинация клавиш CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+HOME')
elif CTRL<0 and SHIFT<0:
print('Нажата комбинация клавиш CTRL+SHIFT+HOME')
elif ALT<0 and SHIFT<0:
print('Нажата комбинация клавиш SHIFT+ALT+HOME')
elif CTRL<0 and ALT<0:
print('Нажата комбинация клавиш CTRL+ALT+HOME')
elif CTRL<0:
print('Нажата комбинация клавиш CTRL+HOME')
elif SHIFT<0:
print('Нажата комбинация клавиш SHIFT+HOME')
print('Нажата клавиша HOME')
return True
hm = pyHook.HookManager() # создание экземпляра класса HookManager
hm.KeyAll = OnKeyboardEvent # отслеживаем нажатия клавиш
hm.HookKeyboard() # вешаем хук
pythoncom.PumpMessages() # ловим сообщения
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