dotruger372021-04-12 20:58:13
dotruger37, 2021-04-12 20:58:13

Pug add function definition via Webpack build?

I am compiling the entire project through webpack with the pug template engine.

This error happens: instead of rendering the ui element, it adds a function with this ui element

. Webpack assembly:

const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');

const  PATHS  =  {
    public:  path.resolve(__dirname,  'src'),

const PAGES_DIR = `${PATHS.public}/views/`;
const PAGES = fs.readdirSync(PAGES_DIR).filter(fileName => fileName.endsWith('.pug'));

module.exports = {
    entry: {
        main: `${PATHS.public}/main.js`,
    output: {
        path:  PATHS.public,
        filename:  'bundle.js',
        publicPath: '/',

    devtool: 'source-map',

    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.js$/,
                use: ['babel-loader'],
                exclude: /node_modules/

            { test: /\.(png|jpg|gif|svg)$/, use: [
                        loader: 'url-loader',
                        options: {
                            mimetype: 'image/png',

                test: /\.css$/,
                use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'],
                exclude: /node_modules/,

                test: /\.scss$/,
                use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader'],
                exclude: /node_modules/,

                test: /\.(woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/,
                use: 'file-loader?name=fonts/[name].[ext]!static'

                test: /\.pug$/,
                use: ['pug-loader'],

    devServer: {
        contentBase: 'src',
        historyApiFallback: true,
        hot: true,
        port: 3000,
        watchContentBase: true,

    plugins: [
        ...PAGES.map(page => new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            template: `${PAGES_DIR}/${page}`,
            filename: `./${page.replace(/\.pug/,'.html')}`
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            template: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/index.html'),
            filename: 'index.html',
        new Dotenv(),

    optimization: {
        minimize: true,
        splitChunks: {
                minChunks: Infinity,
                chunks: 'all'

How do I attach pug
import Header from '../../components/Header/Header.pug'

How do I start a render?
renderHeader = (data) => {
        const template = Header(data);
        const [header] = document.getElementsByTagName('header');
        if (header) {
            header.outerHTML = template;
        } else {

What could be the problem?

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