teplenev2011-07-27 14:13:58
teplenev, 2011-07-27 14:13:58

Profile communities and sites

Good afternoon!

Can you please tell me about specialized communities, sites and portals with a large audience, more or less established professionals, such as Habr?

We are talking about such projects as professionali.ru, e-xecutive.ru, buhonline.ru, etc. etc.

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5 answer(s)
anitspam, 2011-07-27

abok.ru specialists in what heats, cools, flows, blows, etc.

sn4ke, 2011-07-27

How about TM 's autokadabra.ru ?
More from myself:
www.linux.org.ru is an established nix portal with a large audience and meeting professionals.
www.securitylab.ru - similar, but on the topic of security.

norlin, 2011-07-27

Most recently, a blog from Yandex for interface developers was launched: clubs.ya.ru/ui

Pavel Zagrebelin, 2011-07-27

stranamam.ru, if we can talk about professional motherhood. ;)

maashaa, 2012-02-19

There are many free software development communities

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