Corp_Habra_Clients2020-01-27 19:27:07
Corp_Habra_Clients, 2020-01-27 19:27:07

Problem with symbolic links?


For the curious
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Необходимо, чтоб в одной папке лежали псевдо-папки при открытии которых открывается папка по заранее заданному пути.

Использование жёстких и симфолических ссылок!

It would seem that everything is super, but there it is. The FTPs server generally refused to work with symbolic links, although webdav works with them, it does not show them and you have to force (with commands) to go to the desired folder and then everything is perfect. sFTP and SCP for some reason cope with the task with a bang. How to solve all problems?! If there is no solution, then how to solve the problem.
Tell me please!

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Pankov, 2020-01-27

In general, support for symlinks can be dangerous in this kind of shared resources.
I do not have access to the ftp settings at hand, but it seems that there was a special option in the config. I can be wrong.
However, the general rule is this. Symlink needs to be done from the ftp root to folders inside the shared one. Linking to external directories should be avoided, as this can cause a vulnerability (access to files that you did not plan to give access to).
There is also an option without symlinks: And in fstab:
mount --bind /source/dir /destination/dir

/source/dir /destination/dir none defaults,bind 0 0

But not in all file systems.
Hard links are supposed to work anyway.

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