dbmaster2011-12-13 03:08:54
dbmaster, 2011-12-13 03:08:54

Plugin for wordpress - directory of extensions?

Recommend a plugin for wordpress to create a catalog of extensions for software
. As a result, you need to get a result similar to the following examples:

  • addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/
  • wordpress.org/extend/plugins/
  • wpplugins.com/

I looked on the Internet - I found only wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-appstore/ (I haven’t tried it yet)
There are marketplaces, e-commerce plugins, I’m
interested in a plugin for creating a “store” where
  • the product will be a plugin with a description, download, statistics
  • plugin developers themselves can add plugins

We are considering paid plugins and options with finishing.

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5 answer(s)
Alex Pts, 2012-03-25

I haven’t seen a ready-made plugin out of the box, but in fact 1 plugin = 1 post, posts are grouped by tags or categories. Those. Here you just need to define a hierarchy for yourself.
If you want it better, wordpress has custom content types and custom taxonomies.
You can create the required entities for yourself, for example, the “plugin” type and the “plugin category” taxonomy.
If you omit the moment of payment (whether payment is needed or not, I don’t understand), then this will quickly be done on freelance or in a paid branch of the Russian forum.
The variant with finishing on the basis of such a decision can be discussed and done in more detail.

Dmitry Medved, 2013-11-20

I developed a marketplace and used this Easy Digital Downloads plugin for the basics

Igor Vorotnev, 2014-02-21

@AlexPTS offers the correct solution. A CPT (Custom Post Type) is created, the taxonomy is its own, with the help of ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) or a similar solution, the necessary metaboxes are created.

Vitaly Safonov, 2014-05-01

If you take something like a store, then the best option would be Woocommerce. And then screw all sorts of buns to it.

Ksenia Mikhailova, 2014-10-21

WooCommerce is able to work with electronic goods out of the box

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