GFX Data2022-02-19 15:06:22
GFX Data, 2022-02-19 15:06:22

Playing network MP3 stream in .NET 6?

Recommend an example in C# or a framework/library for connecting and playing streaming audio from the network that is compatible with .Net 6 (MAUI application). Tried BASS (net api), NAudio, nothing compiles with 6th version of .NET.

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Karbivnichy, 2022-02-19

The BASS library is not complicated, especially since it works on all common platforms. Write your wrapper, there is nothing complicated. Here is an example:
!ALERT! I only coded hello worlds in C# about 10 years ago, so I'm not familiar with .NET, but I'm familiar with this library. This example needs to be reworked, since I stupidly made all the parameters except string and bool roughly int. This example was just made in .Net 6 on Linux. Therefore, you need to throw the BASS library for your platform into the folder with the executable file.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class MyApp
    [DllImport ("bass.so")]
    // BOOL BASS_Init(int device, DWORD freq, DWORD flags, HWND win, void *clsid);
    public static extern int BASS_Init(int device, int freq, int flags, int win, int clsid);
    [DllImport ("bass.so")]
    // HSTREAM BASS_StreamCreateURL(char *url, DWORD offset, DWORD flags, DOWNLOADPROC *proc, void *user );
    public static extern int BASS_StreamCreateURL(String url, int offset, int flags, int proc, int user );

    [DllImport ("bass.so")]
    // int BASS_ErrorGetCode();
    public static extern int BASS_ErrorGetCode();

    [DllImport ("bass.so")]
    // BOOL BASS_ChannelPlay(DWORD handle, BOOL restart);
    public static extern bool BASS_ChannelPlay(int handle, bool restart);

    [DllImport ("bass.so")]
    // BOOL BASS_ChannelSetAttribute(DWORD handle, DWORD attrib, float value);
    public static extern bool BASS_ChannelSetAttribute(int handle, int attrib, float value);

    static void Main()
        int  bass_init = BASS_Init(-1,44000,0,0,0); // Инициализируем библиотеку BASS;
        int hstream = BASS_StreamCreateURL("https://online.rusradio.ua/RusRadio",0,0,0,0); # Создаем поток из url;
        BASS_ChannelSetAttribute(hstream, 2, 0.1f); // Устанавливаем громкость. 3 параметр громкость в float, 1f = 100%, 0.1f = 10%
        // int err = BASS_ErrorGetCode(); // Функция для получения кода ошибки. Коды ошибок в bass.chm
        // Console.WriteLine(err.ToString());
        BASS_ChannelPlay(hstream, false); // Запускаем проигрование потока
        Console.Read(); // Без этой строки консольное окно сразу закроется и программа завершится.

The bass.chm file contains all descriptions of functions, structures, error codes, and so on.
PS: Somewhere I had a translated documentation into Russian for this library. If you need, write, I'll look.

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