Vladislav2017-10-05 16:45:58
Vladislav, 2017-10-05 16:45:58

Phpstorm multiple insertion like in VS Code?

Hello. I'm tired of this constant problem with multi-insert in PhpStorm.
I copied, let's say 3 lines from the document:

текстовая строка 1
текстовая строка 2
текстовая строка 3

and I want to insert each line into my element using multi-selection:

If I press Ctrl + V, then VS Code (Sublime can do this too) will insert it as it should:
<li> текстовая строка 1 </li>
<li> текстовая строка 2 </li>
<li> текстовая строка 3 </li>

But PhpStorm will stubbornly insert me:
<li> текстовая строка 1 
текстовая строка 2
текстовая строка 3
<li> текстовая строка 1
текстовая строка 2
текстовая строка 3 </li>
<li> текстовая строка 1
текстовая строка 2
текстовая строка 3 </li>

How can this be fixed? This is the situation in html, php and pug (jade).
Thank you.

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