arinoki2011-10-25 19:52:26
arinoki, 2011-10-25 19:52:26

Php, console, options?

There is a question. How to beautifully organize the creation of an associative array based on the passed values?
Something like this - php script.php -filename someFileName -mime someMime -type someType.

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4 answer(s)
Next_Alex, 2011-10-26

I did it like this:
A slightly modified method found on the net:

function parseArgs( $_SERVER, $_REQUEST )
   $out = array();
   if ( is_array( $_SERVER ) && is_array( $_REQUEST ) )
      $cli_args = isset( $_SERVER[ 'argv' ] ) ? $_SERVER[ 'argv' ] : array();
      if ( count( $cli_args ) > 1 )
         array_shift( $cli_args );
         foreach ( $cli_args as $arg )
            // --foo --bar=baz
            if ( substr( $arg, 0, 2 ) == '--' )
               $eqPos                  = strpos( $arg, '=' );
               // --foo
               if ( $eqPos === false )
                  $key                = substr( $arg, 2 );
                  $value              = isset( $out[ $key ] ) ? $out[ $key ] : true;
                  $out[ $key ]          = $value;
               // --bar=baz
                  $key                = substr( $arg, 2, $eqPos - 2 );
                  $value              = substr( $arg, $eqPos + 1 );
                  $out[ $key ]          = $value;
            // -k=value -abc
            else if ( substr( $arg, 0, 1 ) == '-' )
               // -k=value
               if ( substr( $arg, 2, 1 ) == '=' )
                  $key                = substr( $arg, 1, 1 );
                  $value              = substr( $arg, 3 );
                  $out[ $key ]          = $value;
               // -abc
                  $chars              = str_split( substr( $arg, 1 ) );
                  foreach ( $chars as $char )
                     $key            = $char;
                     $value          = isset( $out[ $key ] ) ? $out[ $key ] : true;
                     $out[ $key ]      = $value;
            // plain-arg
               $value                  = $arg;
               $out[]                  = $value;
         if ( count( $_REQUEST ) > 0 )
            foreach ( $_REQUEST as $key => $value )
               $out[ $key ] = $value;
   return $out;

it parses everything that is passed to the script when running via POST, GET or command line arguments and stuffs it into the returned array. The method itself lives in a separate inclusion.
And, accordingly, parsing the arguments in the script itself:
$arguments = parseArgs( $_SERVER, $_REQUEST );

The call from the console is like this (although in principle everything is clear from the code):
php myscript.php --firstarg=somedata -anotherarg=anotherdata --justaflag -anotherflag plainanarg

toxa82, 2011-10-25

They are already in the array: $argv — Array of arguments passed to script

niko83, 2011-10-25

If I'm not mistaken, Zend has a lib to work with console calls

alexmuz, 2011-10-26

Head-on solution (for sure, it can be improved well):


$i = 0;
$params = array();
while (++$i < $argc) {
    $arg = $argv[$i];
    if (substr($arg, 0, 2) == '--') {
        $key = substr($arg, 2);
    } else if (substr($arg, 0, 1) == '-') {
        $key = substr($arg, 1);
    } else {
        $params[] = $arg;
    $params[$key] = isset($argv[$i]) ? $argv[$i] : '';

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