BotaniQ_Q2017-06-18 16:12:28
BotaniQ_Q, 2017-06-18 16:12:28

Parsing json in python throws an error?

There is a site that gives us json, I want to access it, take a string with a certain key ("output:") and then work with it as a variable, in this output there are lines in Russian with a broken encoding (I would also restore it, I try to restore encodings on the site - it turns out :)) In short, there are a lot of problems, here is my code

url = 'сайт.ком.json'+'Привет, Мир'
response = requests.get(url)


1) Python swears at the last line, what exactly the error does not say, json is definitely there.
2) In this json encodings are down, if done through javascript like this
url = "сайт.ком.json";
input = encodeURIComponent ("Привет, мир");
function ProcessReply (data) {
    if (data.error) console.log ('Error: ' + data.error);
    else alert ('Reply: ' + data.output);
script_element = document.createElement('script'); //create new script element
script_element.src = url + "?input=" + input ;
document.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0].appendChild(script_element); //append to page, which executes it

then the text is returned Russian, normal, human
3) Well, the next thing I don’t know is how I can get not all json, but only the one that is "output:"

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2 answer(s)
Ruslan, 2017-06-18

Without json, it is not clear why the python swears and what is there with the encoding, get by key like this:print(response.json()['output:'])

Dmitry, 2017-06-18


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