Vladimir Kuzin2017-08-21 18:07:24
Vladimir Kuzin, 2017-08-21 18:07:24

Panasonic KX-NS500RU who set up?

Kind people! Who faced setting up this miracle of the unit from scratch? Is it difficult? How convenient and understandable is the web interface?
We want to equip the office of this city, the question arose of the expediency of paying for the setup. I don't want to pay 15 grand for something I can do myself. I have experience in setting up Linksys SPA8000, I have experience in setting up analog PBXs for Panasokinka. Interested in possible pitfalls and difficulties with sip providers.

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry Alexandrov, 2017-08-22

Faced with Panas only another older model. The impressions were terrible, the same as with lg-ericson. Regarding sip, there were a lot of problems and rake, a bunch of firmware with varying degrees of buggy. Ultimately, where these 2 atsks stood, they cut off sip from them and put the usual dlink'ovskie gateways (fxs \ fxo) that they hooked up to the atsks. It was back in 2011-2012 and the situation may have improved. The task was to dock with the GTS via sip and AT with each other via sip (physically located in different cities). In general, as you wrote above, you can try and there is nothing complicated there, but there are a lot of pitfalls and surprises, if it doesn’t work out, then look for a good specialist who will adjust or set up completely.

Sergey Ryzhkin, 2017-08-21

What is the problem with the network to read the manuals, try to set it up, and if it doesn’t work out already, pay the money?
All automatic telephone exchanges on one person. and even more so Panasonic among themselves, there even the interface is the same. does not look like SPA8000

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