Alexander Novikov2016-11-18 09:20:33
Alexander Novikov, 2016-11-18 09:20:33

Overriding woocommerce template files?

People, tell me, the problem is this.
I have a WP site with woocommerce. Installed the AVADA template. The template has various settings, including setting the display of the number of product columns. I'm trying to change this setting, but nothing changes on the site.
Then I noticed that the output of products on the site comes from the PLUGIN template file and not from the woocommerce folder - in the root of the AVADA theme. In the theme folder, there is a woocommerce folder with files from the wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\templates\ folder, but for some reason they are not overridden, although they worked for one day. Immediately after installation..... Thank you

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Novikov, 2016-11-18

Everything is the same as yours, but it does not work ......

Alexey Ukolov, 2017-02-21

It is better to store not in cookies, but in LocalStorage - cookies are sent between the server and client with each request-response, there is no need to inflate them. In addition, cookies have a seriously limited maximum size - usually no more than 5 MB.
Here is an example of converting an image to a binary format and then rendering it: https://jsfiddle.net/alexey_m_ukolov/fnjsubkm/
How to work with localStorage is described in the link.

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