LuckyMan2011-06-17 17:50:24
LuckyMan, 2011-06-17 17:50:24

Organize IS hardware for 30 users?

It is necessary to organize a system for 30-50 users.
I'm thinking of buying an IBM x3620 server (2xXEON, 32GB RAM). Raise 2 virtual machines on it - a file server with a domain and a terminal server (all users work on thin clients).
Question 1. Which hypervisor is better to use? I look towards Microsoft Hyper-V, because. seems to be the best option if only windows systems are virtualized, although I never worked with it, I used only VM Ware ESX.
Question 2. What drives? SAS or SATA?

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6 answer(s)
Dal, 2011-06-17

1. It depends on what budget and what you are used to working with.
2. S.A.S.

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2011-06-17

1. Hyper-V. And it is better not to virtualize the terminal server at all.
2. SATA 6 gigabit. It's easier to change.

mittel, 2011-06-17

1. put what you know.
2. SAS is better in all respects except for the price and allowable volumes, of course. If the budget allows, and there is enough space, then take them.
3. if "everyone works from thin clients", why do you need two servers? do one terminal and all. and it may well be that the domain is not required.

Dal, 2011-06-17

Are you thinking about reservations?

vmnomad, 2011-07-05

Then you need three servers - under DC and file separately. If you are going to virtualize, then what prevents you from spreading the roles?
1. under one server that Hyper-V, that ESX basically the difference is insignificant
2. NFS storage what external thread can is better? If you take a second server, there will be ready-made shared storage.

tsovak, 2014-03-18

my extensive experience with virtual machines says that on 1 hdd they can spin up to 3-4 VMs (depending on the network and on the disk)
on ssd disks up to 5-6 virtual machines, and again, depending on the network.
for 600 people, I raised servers with 16GB of RAM, 4x2.8 GHz and 2 hdd: ftp, dnc, proxy, dhcp, VirtualM, Shaper. and everything worked perfectly

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