triggerfinger2017-12-01 17:41:48
Software Deployment
triggerfinger, 2017-12-01 17:41:48

Options for deploying/backing up the image database?

There is a small NodeJS server that downloads, resizes, applies filters, optimizes images. He saves it to his `public` folder, and from there I already distribute statics using nginx.
Question - I store this server and deploy it with Gita.
But what about the accumulated database of images? Do not upload them to Git too?
What are the practices? How to backup / transfer, etc. multimedia files? The requirement is essentially the same - convenient and fast deployment and synchronization (i.e. so that new files also get into the central storage)

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2 answer(s)
Boris Syomov, 2017-12-01

To synchronize such things, it is convenient with the help of rsync. Make backups using rsnapshot or similar scripts. Deploy, also using rsync, is quite ...

marataziat, 2018-02-19


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