Nicholas2013-11-12 10:20:41
Nicholas, 2013-11-12 10:20:41

Open source smart home control project

Good afternoon!

I apologize in advance, this is not a question, but rather a suggestion, it doesn’t pull on a post :)

I am looking for like-minded people to jointly develop a smart home control system in Java.
Current project: github.com/Neuronix2/IRISv2

What he can do now:

  • Detection of the ZWave network and devices in it, control of the dimmer, reading of all device parameters
  • Voice control, voice message synthesis (currently 2 backends - google and voicerss)
  • Modular architecture, Apache Qpid (AMQP protocol) is used for communication, H2 database
  • REST API. Allows you to conveniently build control interfaces in the future
  • I18N (in progress)

For me, a smart home is, first of all, “smart”. I want the system to tell me about it when I hesitate in the morning and am late for work (presence sensors, camera with recognition, voice synthesis, schedule accounting, etc).
House management, of course, is also implied. I focused on the REST API precisely in order to have a fairly simple interaction interface in the future (the first version with a built-in web interface showed that flexibility was needed). Those. I want to be able to build separate interfaces for desktop, smartphone and tablet (which can be used as a control panel hanging at home).
Farther. A smart home should have an innovative control model - I see a voice interface here, this is the future. Unfortunately, so far it has not been possible to achieve a more or less acceptable level of recognition with my hardware. Perhaps, by writing an interface for Android and using a better microphone + VAD built into the smartphone, it will be possible to significantly improve this moment.
A smart home should be an assistant for me - a kind of secretary-referent. Those. be able to synchronize, for example, with a Google calendar and other sources.

Who you want to find: any smart home enthusiasts who have free time and desire. I myself am not a professional programmer, so I can do something wrong or not kosher :)
If there is an enthusiastic Java guru, it will be great (although it will probably take me a long time to figure out what works and how :))

Write to: [email protected]

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7 answer(s)
Archie_RU, 2013-11-12

I want to help, but I don't really know how.
Java - yes.

svd71, 2013-11-12

I can offer my services. Java.
True, my tasks are more modest.

Artem, 2013-11-12

If you need a Unixoid with C \ C ++ of the brain, then I will be happy to help

Ivan Volkov, 2013-11-13

I can help, I'm willing. I have a good command of C ++, I had no practical experience with Java. Write, I will help.

Vlad Zaitsev, 2013-11-13

I mostly use hardware, I usually do it based on noolite: http://habrahabr.ru/company/boxowerview/blog/165131/ http://habrahabr.ru/company/boxowerview/blog/168039/

there is this, though it is still sawing and sawing http://habrahabr.ru/company/avi/blog/200804/

Andrey Kumanyaev, 2013-11-14

Unfortunately, not Java, but I can help in a number of places. I'm interested in this direction myself.

blare, 2013-11-20

And where can I read what this system can do?

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