piupiu2011-02-11 04:48:42
piupiu, 2011-02-11 04:48:42

Online store on Ruby on rails. Need smart advice?

I notice that many who want to switch to RoR are tormented by the problem of choosing the right tools, and on this occasion I would like to collect some of your valuable advice in order to summarize the material in one good article on this topic. It would help many with a “switch” on RoR.
Dear experts!
Please tell me how it will be faster and more elegant to deploy an online store on ruby ​​on rails.
The main goal is to
quickly and without dust have an adequate backend for adding / editing products. Also, a user system, templates, and other related functions.
Let's choose from the existing RoR-CMS
Of course, I would like to look towards the rather popular Refinery CMS, because so far it's the only Rails 3 system I've seen. In terms of extensions, they have an engines section , but nothing like "shop/e-commerce" is listed.
It also attracted the attention of the so-called. Radiant CMS . At least the presence of the desired extension . But there is a big (?) minus: it is not rewritten for Rails 3. Do I need to fiddle with it? It just seems to me that it is more useful to study relevant technologies.
I also saw Spree - an engine directly for an online store. But there, it seems, is also not Rails 3.
My current considerations
The idea to which I am now inclined is to take exactly the refinery and write my own store engine for it. At the same time, I will gain experience in ruby ​​/ ror. And in terms of the admin panel - the system already has almost everything you need, there will not be much fuss with the interface.
Offtopic: using engines in RoR is it good style?
Finally: I would be very grateful.
Good advice would be if someone says a good set of gems for all occasions (so that I don’t put something from what is deprecated, God forbid, :-) Well, or a link to a resource with a list of relevant extensions would be even more useful!
Point newbie :-)

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8 answer(s)
Anton Dyachuk, 2012-08-17

1. The admin panel for the Rails application is in Rails itself - scaffold.
2. I am against the use of CMS in environments with high abstraction, especially when it comes to environments with such a high level of nested functionality as Rails. Let me explain.
You need a drawing kit - CMS-style (it includes 65536 pencils, 16m colors of paints, felt-tip pens, an airbrush, brushes from 100500 types of animal hair, a drawing board, a studio along embankment d17, kv 33 with passive and active lighting, booked exhibition in Paris with an open date, 5 prepaid lots in any of the auction houses Christie's, Sotheby's, Bonhams to choose from, paid plane tickets.But
if you need to paint on the wall of a neighboring house, abstract paintings with a spray can, then you do not need all this at all .
Despite the fact that all this is called a capacious word: "Art", this CMS ... mmm ... does not quite suit you.
You do not need paid plane tickets, you will spend more time if you take them to the ticket office so that the operator does not call you: “Are you going to fly, aren’t you?”. You need a couple of gems, a lifter and a can of paint. Why for the sake of this to fence the CMS, I do not understand. You just need to write in the Gemfile

gem 'spray-paint'
gem 'lift'

and these gems are there, you are not the only ones who are trying to spray paint.
Moreover, you still have to screw spray-paint and lift to the CMS. But there are problems, both in the CMS and without it, and their size is the same, and these problems will not go anywhere.
3. The last store I used contained:
gem 'devise' # аутентификация
gem 'haml-rails' # HAML вместо HTML
gem 'sass-rails' #sass вместо css
gem 'coffee-rails' #coffeescript вместо javascript
gem 'postmark-rails' # рассылка почты
gem 'russian' # потому что мы русские
gem 'paperclip' # для обработки картинок
gem 'delayed_job_active_record' # для отложенных задач
gem 'delayed_paperclip'    , '', :git => 'git://github.com/tommeier/delayed_paperclip', :branch => 'fix_312' # для отложенной обработки(ресайза) картинок
gem 'rufus-scheduler' # типа крон, только внутри рабочего rails приложения
gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails' # чтобы сверстать все, включая админку
gem 'aws-sdk' # для выгрузки картинок на S3
gem 'quiet_assets' # чтобы логи не шумели

admin panel is generated via rails g scaffold…
nothing more, just enough

Viktor Vsk, 2014-05-23

After some time spent searching, ruby ​​ecommerce came to the conclusion that spri was the only option. By code, by support. Supports both 3 and 4 rails. You can get it on mysql and on Postgres and on sqlite, even on mongo, I think. Unless, it seems to me, you should not use Synergy (Russian adapted fork), the original is better.
In general, I think that both rails and nodes and flask \ django and others like them are not for typical projects (blogs, tsms, e-commerce) and users who need a user-friendly interface everywhere. At every step vizivig. Plugins. Themes. And what would not see a drop of code in the eyes. Atypical projects must be supported by programmers, so all these tsms, etc. don't make sense. IMHO.
As for gems, I think your fears are groundless - before installing a gem, you still go to rubitulbox, rubigems or github. And there you will already see when the last changes were made. And there is nothing wrong with an expired gem. Yes, and the vast majority are supported very well, and what is not supported is immediately a bunch of information on the first pages of the search engine.

Renat Ibragimov, 2011-02-11

Spree seems to work under Rails 3 too
"Start by adding the gem to your existing Rails 3.x application's Gemfile
gem 'spree'"
haven't tried it myself yet

Termux, 2017-02-15

Spree is in the lead, but its development has stalled,
and Solidus (or solidas, named after a Roman (?) coin) is a
Now Spree is called Solidus - this is such a fork .
YouTube: Solidus.io E-Commerce Video Course by Codemy.net School
Github: https://github.com/solidusio/solidus

ssh0, 2011-02-11

It will be more useful to write / assemble your bike from gems, here is a useful article - habrahabr.ru/blogs/ror/112481/

hippoage, 2011-02-12

There is also code.google.com/p/substruct/

Source, 2011-02-15

I also saw Spree - an engine directly for an online store. But there, it seems, is also not Rails 3.

It's been Rails 3 for a long time. In addition, Spree can be easily integrated with Refinery. Which will be much more useful for the community than writing another simple basket exclusively for Refinery.

craft37, 2016-03-13

Has anyone tried using Shoppe? https://tryshoppe.com/

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