hayk2010-12-14 13:16:41
Online shopping
hayk, 2010-12-14 13:16:41

Online store for the sale of digital codes

Recommend an online store engine (preferably php + mysql) that allows you to sell digital codes (recharge codes for mobile phones, webmoney, poison, games, etc.) - selling them as ordinary goods is not very convenient.

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2 answer(s)
LIAL, 2010-12-14

Search for the string “Script for a digital goods store” in any similar store: plati.ru digiseller.ru wmcentre.ru, although you will need to pay small money if you don’t want to search on torrents later

ipswitch, 2010-12-14

You can also use sites like plati.ru/ and their ability to set up a store on your domain as an option ...

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