okneliomass2021-11-24 13:13:47
okneliomass, 2021-11-24 13:13:47

On macos Monterey Glitches, bugs, lags, what to do?

Good afternoon.

Upgraded my '17 MBP to Monterey. He started to get very hot, (I work as a designer, and when working with Photoshop, he did not warm up like that before). Half of the programs do not start. For example, I want to run "CleanMyMac" when I start it, it says "CleanMyMac 3 has quit unexpectedly." and all. And such trouble with a half of programs.

He did not want to run Photoshop, so he had to delete it and download another one.

Maybe someone knows how to improve performance or how to roll back macos?) I did not create a copy :(

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2 answer(s)
chieftanee, 2021-11-24

about cleanmymac - go to settings and turn off "sounds". should help.

Denis Fedorets, 2021-11-24

0) How long has it been since the update? if it's not enough - just let the device stay on for a day, at least "clean the feathers", index the files, etc. - then decide.
1) there was no sadness ... Monterey is a problematic update, why did you suffer from it ... However, I also once killed the iPad 4, after a break with a girl, I decided to start a new life in everything and rolled iOS10 onto it directly over iOS 6)))
2) applications do not work for you, most likely because they are 32-bit ... And their support has been discontinued.
what to do? HZ, if I were you, I would try to install from scratch, from a USB flash drive, Big Sur - it seems to be normal. How to do this and prepare a USB flash drive is simply Googled, everything is simple. If you don't like it, go back to basics .
Well, this, for the future ... use the Time Machine, practically, are you sure? )

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