Kirill Ushakov2016-07-14 21:23:14
Kirill Ushakov, 2016-07-14 21:23:14

Offline reference for php and mysql?

A vacation is planned, which I plan to spend with "grandfather in the village", and start my own project. But due to forgetfulness and the lack of the Internet, I would like to know if there are any good and not overloaded with water reference books on peha (what we give, what we get, in what order, and a couple of examples) and bases?
And preferably not a scan to pdf, but that, at least with a native search, you could run through the text.
thanks ahead of time)

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3 answer(s)
Sergey, 2016-07-14

ps not even 3g?

Sergey Savostin, 2016-07-14


latteo, 2016-07-22

dev.mysql.com/doc -> MySQL Server -> MySQL 5.x Reference Manual (GA)
Downloadable in html, pdf, epub, and a few more specific ones

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