yourisus2016-10-04 13:21:27
yourisus, 2016-10-04 13:21:27

Number of concurrent server connections?

Wrote a simple SMTP server in python (it doesn't matter), through the library

, later I came across an article on Habré https://habrahabr.ru/post/123154/ I had one difficult (for me) question: how do servers support a huge number of simultaneous connections (tcp) if the number of sockets is limited? (65535)

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3 answer(s)
Vladimir, 2016-10-04

it is not the number of sockets that is limited, but the number of own ports per IP
do not confuse outgoing connections with incoming
ones, when outgoing connections are "consumed" localIP:localPort pairs,
while incoming there is always one localIP:localPort pair

Saboteur, 2016-10-04

Создается несколько IP адресов. Можно даже на той же самой сетевушке несколько интерфейсов. На каждом по 65534 сокетов.

romy4, 2016-10-04

Там же в комментариях и есть разъяснение "как такое возможно".

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