Maxmyd2012-02-28 20:41:10
Maxmyd, 2012-02-28 20:41:10

Need an SVN client

Can anyone suggest an SVN client with automatic detection and addition of new files? Or suggest how to configure TortoiseSVN so that it automatically adds new files?
Thanks in advance.

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2 answer(s)
easyman, 2012-02-28

1. Install SVN console version
2. Save as .bat and add to scheduler
for /f "tokens=2*" %%i in ('svn status %1 ^| find "?"') do svn add "%%i "
for /f "tokens=2*" %%i in ('svn status %1 ^| find "!"') do svn delete "%%i"
svn commit -m "Automatic commit" %1

mecommayou, 2012-02-29

Use svn ignore.

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