hostadmin2013-04-07 14:53:19
hostadmin, 2013-04-07 14:53:19

Need a torrent client for Ubuntu with the ability to specify a download folder when adding a torrent through the web face?

Actually there is a server under Ubuntu, I want to install a torrent-rocking chair on it. The problem is that the torrent clients I've tested (transmission, ktorrent, deluge), when adding a new download through the web interface, either do not allow you to specify the directory where the file will be downloaded at all, or you can specify the path but only manually.
I would like that when adding a download through the web face, you could immediately select (from those available on the server) a folder for downloading. So far, the only place where this seems to work is the rTorrent + ruTorrent bundle, but they are very dreary to install, I would like something simpler.

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5 answer(s)
sht0rm13, 2013-04-07

Use the Transmission remote gui instead of the built-in webserver.

svavan, 2013-04-07

rtorrent + rutorrent?

Yuri Shikanov, 2013-04-07

Perhaps deluge will do.

Fantiney, 2013-06-23

maybe uTirrent Server

ComodoHacker, 2013-04-07

You want too much - the file manager is built into the web interface, in fact.
And it’s not safe to expose the entire FS.

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