Evgeny Motyakin2016-04-30 22:59:03
Graphic arts
Evgeny Motyakin, 2016-04-30 22:59:03

Need a product designer for the site, how?

Need a product designer for the site. A simple 2d drawing with dimensions, material selection and price calculation. The program should be installed on the site as a separate plugin. Now the site is on WordPress, in the future it is planned to create on Bitrix. Under what SMS to do the plugin, while the question is open.
At the moment, the following things are of interest: What kind of specialist should be looked for, what languages, approximate terms of writing, approximate price of the issue and how to legally protect the plugin so that competitors in the city do not have copies in the future.

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3 answer(s)
Viktor Korolev, 2016-05-04

Check out this constructor . True, the guys did it in 3D, but suddenly it will help. Actually, the whole thing can be exported to a separate html without dependencies, and it can already be placed on the site in an iframe. There are other options.

kuronokey, 2019-04-13

I myself was puzzled by a similar question. Then I couldn’t find anyone, I took it myself and made a T-shirt designer online
Keep it, maybe it will come in handy for someone

Dimonchik, 2016-04-30

do not legally protect
look for JS Senior

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