blackst0ne2014-02-26 09:44:03
blackst0ne, 2014-02-26 09:44:03

Must-read books for designers

Good afternoon!
Are there any books in nature related to design in general, or web design in particular, that you think every aspiring designer should read?
I'm used to this kind of literature in the field of administration / development, such as the same McConnell.
I would like to read something to broaden my horizons and, perhaps, some immersion.
Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
zxmd, 2014-02-26

It all probably depends on the direction of the application to which you belong. There are good books on color, typography, layout, and forms. There are books for animators.
To begin with, no matter how strange it was, I would recommend Jacob Nielsen. www.ozon.ru/person/328225/?group=div_book

Evgeny Boychenko, 2018-03-27

Many designers advise Lebedev's "Kovodstvo" as a book that brings up the right attitude to the profession.
You can look in this collection, what else to read useful:

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