Viktor2020-02-09 22:43:46
Viktor, 2020-02-09 22:43:46

Multithreading or a loop in python?

Good day, professionals!

I'm new to Python, I'm writing a simple bot for my needs and I had a dilemma, how to do it right:
a) put almost all the contents of the bot into a loop
b) try to solve the problem through flows

A little about the bot : the bot checks for the current availability of certain nodes that are listed in the settings file. What I would like: the bot in a cycle checks the availability of all nodes available in the settings and issues a one-time problem only if the device status has changed.
Below is the structure of the bot:

Подключение библиотек
Подключение клавиатуры с кнопками /http /ssl /rdp
Функция отправки сообщений всем участникам чата что бот запущен
Функция проверки файлов настроек
Функция проверки списков доступа к чату
# точка №1
Функция проверкп http/https узлов из файла настроек
Функция проверки SSL узлов из файла настроек
Функция  проверки RDP узлов из файла настроек
Функция обработки нажатия кнопки /http
  вызов функции  http/https и вывод в чат статуса доступности узлов
Функция обработки нажатия кнопки /ssl
  вызов функции  ssl и вывод в чат статуса доступности узлов
Функция обработки нажатия кнопки /rdp
  вызов функции  rdp и вывод в чат статуса доступности узлов
Функция проверки состояния всех узлов
  вызов функции  http/https	
  вызов функции  ssl
  вызов функции  rdp
  создание списка недоступных устройств/или изменение статуса и вывод в чат боту

# точка №3

# точка №2

So, I thought that my Wishlist can be implemented like this:
a) if you enclose a list of functions between point #1 and #2 in an infinite loop
b) or at point #3 create a thread where you can call the function "Function for checking the status of all nodes" endlessly ?
How is it correct, and if you do it as in paragraph "b", then how is it better to implement it?

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1 answer(s)
MazAlVlad, 2020-02-10

I don't know which is better. In python there are threads, there are processes. Both are manageable: they lock, unlock, queue up. The main difference is that the threads switch in time when the kernel is not involved: pause, output, and I don’t know exactly what else, there is some kind of understandable python switching logic. There are processes that use multi-core and are already running in parallel, not on the same core, like threads. It turns out a thread - emulation of parallel execution, a process - parallel execution under the condition of a multi-core processor.
Some systems may not support multiprocessing. While I'm learning how to use it.
The main code is also a thread, therefore, if you use multithreading, it will also have to be defined as a thread in order to manage it in the future.

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