itrabotnik2011-08-24 17:27:17
itrabotnik, 2011-08-24 17:27:17

Moving to St. Petersburg


In the last two years, I began to think about moving, but everything remained within the framework of “thoughts and dreams” due to the fact that they did not agree on this issue with the betrothed-mummers.
Today, she herself has already hinted that, on the one hand, I am glad, but on the other, not. Initially thought Moscow, because. at least there are some acquaintances or Novgorod, Yekaterinburg ... but they settled on St. Petersburg, what to do, you have to take into account the opinion of the second half of the small family :)

Question to the guys from St. Petersburg:

1. Living conditions and housing availability - the cost of a one-room hut is a purchase? rent? ($)
2. Payment of utility bills - approximate numbers you can spend in the warm season and how much in winter ($)
3. Demand for IT specialists (namely, system administrators)
4. It is better to come immediately with the citizenship of the Russian Federation (there is a possibility, but it will take time) or you can try without citizenship
5. Your average costs for food, if not to show off, and for travel.

I understand that there are people who will say “what the hell are you giving up here”, I can answer you: I understand you perfectly, but I want to live :)

I hope that it will not be difficult for the inhabitants of St. Petersburg to answer point by point, from me, as a thank you, pros to karma :)
Thanks in advance for your answers and pros or cons to karma. Hope for understanding…

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8 answer(s)
nerudo, 2011-08-25

No, no, no, it's better to go to Moscow. And so in St. Petersburg no longer breathe;)
Essentially. Odnushka about 18 sput. You have to be ready to immediately deposit a triple amount - the first month, a safe deposit and an agent (stupid bitches, I hate it).
Communal will be about 3 tyr
Directions: 21 rubles public transport, 25 metro, 18-30 minibuses (usually 30). Travel card (without minibuses) - 800-1200.
I now spend on food (a family with a small child) about 13-15 tyr. This is a complete meal, but practically without trips to food establishments.
Keep in mind that without Russian citizenship you will be a much less desirable tenant (you won’t be ideal anyway, because permanent registration in St. Petersburg is best) and a patient. Now it takes me about 3-5 tyr per month to all sorts of doctors / pharmacies. You, without a compulsory medical insurance policy, need to be prepared for sudden, much more significant expenses.
If you are looking for housing, immediately put up with the fact that most of the options on ad sites are fake (agents just cast a bait). A classic conversation with an agent looks like this:
- I'm interested in the apartment blah blah blah blah.
- And how much is the price set there?
- 20!
- You know, this apartment has already been rented out, maybe you are interested in other options?
Other options may be in a different area, more expensive, etc.
There is also a classic divorce: killmepls.ru/story/7388

Alexey, 2011-08-24

1. Rent a one-room apartment ~ $500-800 depending on the proximity of the metro, center, etc. Buy - $10-15k
2. Utilities in odnushka ~ $70-100 regardless of the season.
3. System administrators are in demand, but IMHO salaries are not very high. Friends receive around $1000. Maybe more, depending on skills.
4. Without citizenship, you will need to obtain a work permit, which will most likely be hemorrhoids (this is IMHO, I have not come across it myself). In short, there is an opportunity to obtain citizenship - get it. That will be much easier.
5. Travel card for all modes of transport costs ~$550. One bus ride $10. On products, depending on what and in which stores to take. I would offhand pawn ~$300 for two.

elgoog, 2011-08-25

As a resident, I will answer a couple of questions.
The exchange rate of the ruble - well, let it be 30.
The figures that surround me
I rent a 2-kk apartment for 14k rubles I only wanted to know. My friends don't have any more money :)
And, by the way, I was looking for someone to take pictures for a long time. To the metro Ladozhskaya 15 minutes by minibus. and Ladozhskaya is 2
metro stops from Nevsky.
So, if you look for those who want to rent only to acquaintances, I think it’s really possible to find.
Utility payments that I personally observe:
3x kk about 2.5k rubles (in summer) 3.5k rubles
2x kk about
Minibuses - it seems to me - in the region of up to 20 rubles
Excellent gym - with a swimming pool (network throughout the city) access without restrictions, with saunas, jacuzzis, etc.,
about 23k rubles, although you can run into a pre-sale and buy a card to one gym of the same network (with bass ) for 7k rubles. If you buy not a network one, but a regular one, I think up to 5k rubles a year - you can meet it.
Food. A separate topic:
Now you can eat from 100 rubles (in the afternoon, I go to a nearby food court - a couple of awesome sandwiches with tuna + chicken soup cost 125 rubles and I'm full)
Chinese restaurant - a hearty lunch 160 rubles
Pizza Hut - 210 rubles - salad, pizza , tea - coffee
Well ... a Vietnamese restaurant dinner for two (one alcoholic) with vodka 700 rubles and it will be satisfying and tasty
Cafe 'fast chicken' - a couple of tobacco chickens, a delicious plate of pickles, a couple of salads, tea coffee and a cheesecake for a girl - around 1k rubles
. A cup of espresso coffee - from 50 rubles to 120 on average.
Peter is awesome - Finland is nearby. Therefore, for 700 rubles you can get to Helsinki and back.
Planes began to fly from St. Petersburg and full of inexpensive vacation offers (look for a chiptrip in St. Petersburg, as an option)
From Lappeenranta (200 km) low-cost airlines fly to Europe
From Helsinki - ferries to Sweden, Norway and other Europe
Again, we have a bay here, a nuclear power plant and Karelia.

sergeyvolobuev, 2011-08-24

just returned from St. Petersburg.
The salary is not Moscow (below), housing/food prices are almost Moscow :)
So, the conclusion suggests itself.
Rent a one-room apartment: more or less normal options 18-22 tr, good 22+ tr, very big strains with normal agents who really do something. But at the same time, everyone takes 100% commission.
Food: if you drop trips somewhere, then it will take approximately 10-12 tr.
The fare costs 1 ruble per month (metro).

egorinsk, 2011-08-25

I'll add about housing. It is possible to rent without agents. but patience is needed - firstly, VKontakte among hundreds of garbage ads from agents come across a few a day from owners who will not take a commission. Secondly, as for the commission, there are a lot of agents (and many of them do not have their own apartments), it is better to call more people, bargain and find those who take 30-60% (100% is often taken by those who do not have "their own "apartments, and who rents out the housing found by another agent and shares the commission with him in half. That is, he does the same thing that you can do yourself. If he rents out "his" apartment, he is ready to bargain for the commission). Sometimes there are ads from the owners here: spb-hata.livejournal.com/ . They also come here: www.avito.ru/catalog/kvartiry-24/sankt-peterburg-653240?user=1. There are also in slando, olx.ru and "From hand to hand".
Also, many ads published by agents are fake, just to lure customers, you can’t check whether such an apartment was rented out or it never existed in nature. In general, agents cannot be trusted, their goal is to squeeze more money out of the client.
But you need to understand that in this case, the search may drag on for several days, and you may have to call a lot of people, which is not acceptable for everyone (and someone is reluctant to just bother). But this is quite real - I really didn’t rent an apartment, but rented a room, but without intermediaries, collateral and other things.
And most importantly - read about how people are bred, and don't get caught (for example, here you can read www.sdadim.ru/blacklist/). For example, on every post there are advertisements for renting apartments at reduced prices - these are 100% fakes. If you rent through an agent, then you pay a commission when you conclude an agreement with the tenant on the spot. If a room is rented in a two-room apartment, and “the second one is closed, the hostess is leaving abroad, it is urgently rented” - this is a 100% divorce. If you are asked to come up to pay a commission at the office, and “then the agent will come with you to look at the apartment” - this is a 100% scam. No one is fighting with all these scams here, so be careful.
It is imperative to conclude an agreement with the owners, take their passport data, if you pay a deposit, then also mention it there, and take a receipt from them for receiving it, and that is, the practice is not to return it, and at least it will be possible to intimidate with responsibility.
As for one-room apartments for 15,000, this is also unlikely, only if it is a completely dead apartment somewhere outside the city and there is not a single metro station within a radius of 10 kilometers.
And as for the salary - $ 1000 is the minimum bar, if you are well versed in your field, you can count on large sums - here, I found it offhand: spb.hh.ru/vacancy/4706409 or spb.hh.ru/vacancy/4764422 or in Yandex Like, too, like there is such a vacancy.
Oh, and about the comrade, who spends 15 thousand a month there on food - don’t worry too much either, it’s just a comrade apparently fond of various delicacies. You can get by with less.
Good luck!

itrabotnik, 2011-08-24

Roughly speaking, $900 is renting a hut + utilities, and another $400 is food. Total we have $ 1300 purely for accommodation and meals.
With an average salary of a system administrator of $1000-$1200 (ran through hh.ru), the conclusion suggests itself that the wife needs to earn the same amount at once :)
Thanks for the answer!!!

leonix, 2011-08-25

I also wanted to ask a similar question. Only I have Russian citizenship, and I'm going to move in a month. I am a designer and it is not yet clear how many people like me work there.
There are a lot of options with housing, prices from 15,000 to 22,000, but it’s not yet clear how best to look. I don't want to overpay an agent.

Insa88, 2011-08-25

look for a job first if you find it in the region of 35-45 tr. (and this is very real), then you can live, it is quite possible to find an apartment for 15-18 (not in the center, of course) including a communal apartment, now in the summer the price tag has jumped a little - students are enrolling. it is better to look for housing near the work itself, saving on transport, food and time, and this will also save money. smart people can survive and rise here, it all depends on the mood.

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