vc4vc2017-10-14 22:04:43
vc4vc, 2017-10-14 22:04:43

Mobile application for an online store?

Is there a ready-made mobile application for any cms system of the online store?
I choose cms , and I would like to have an application ready for it, because. developing a mobile application from scratch is a very costly business

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2 answer(s)
Sanes, 2017-10-14


Alex-1917, 2017-10-14

Bitrix has it, but you need to pay for it separately , and this is of course ridiculous - there is scanty functionality, the same as for the desktop - view goods / buy goods - and that's it ..
Well, push about changing the order status))) There is no personal account!
I don’t know if it’s worth voicing the price, suddenly you will fall))

47900 + 28740 за каждый последующий год))) Ну продлевать надо если нужна ТП

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