AlbertUfa2015-11-15 12:34:56
AlbertUfa, 2015-11-15 12:34:56

Mistakes in the Russian translation of the book "Java Philosophy" (Bruce Eckel) 4th, complete edition?

Please tell me about the specific errors of the Russian translation, who worked with the book "Java Philosophy" 4th full. ed.? I am taking up a book today, I would like to reduce the time of its study due to the previously identified errors of the translator / s. Don't spend a lot of time trying to figure them out. I understand that the analysis of other people's mistakes is a useful thing, but very time consuming. Of course, if only the errors are so significant (I haven’t opened the book yet).
I am studying English in the process, so I can’t pull it in the original yet.
Does anyone remember where the errors were found? Thank you!

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2 answer(s)
jackroll, 2015-11-15

I do not advise reading books from "Peter".

aol-nnov, 2015-11-15

in my humble opinion, those who can judge the errors in the Russian edition of such a book simply do not bother and read it in the original.

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