Vitaly2016-06-13 10:00:10
Vitaly, 2016-06-13 10:00:10

Mirror on http for Ajax request from https?

Good afternoon, the following problem arose:
- there is a calculator on the site https, which takes data via Ajax - jsonp request to the https server of a third-party service. Periodically, this service goes down, BUT it also has a mirror for requests via http, which is more stable.
Here I think how to make it so that if https is not available (gets 404), then my https sends Ajax to http. How to deal with browser blocking http resources? - to look towards a local proxy? Or is there another, simpler solution?

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Shcherbakov, 2016-06-13

Blocking https to http is implemented in the browser and only the client can set the parameter to ON
. And the service is placed on https precisely because it is https?
It can make a proxy through its own server with load balancing and switching in case of an error, for example, to NGINX. I can throw off a working example if you are unfamiliar

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