Dmitry Azimov2019-03-16 23:52:37
Software and Internet Services
Dmitry Azimov, 2019-03-16 23:52:37

Mind map where to find a free and convenient program?

Now there is a need to make an intellect card, but looking on the Internet I did not find anything suitable, mb someone was already looking for a solution?

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3 answer(s)
Konstantin Nagibovich, 2019-03-17

MindMap Manager portable

Daniil Sorokin, 2016-11-25

In the ladies case, hash is also the ID of the element to which there will be a smooth scroll

GreatRash, 2016-11-25

The hash contains the string "#blablabla", there must be an element with the same id somewhere on the page.

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