Stepan2010-11-11 18:44:53
Stepan, 2010-11-11 18:44:53

MacBook Pro touchpad problem?

Macbook Pro MB470. A few months ago, strange things began to happen with the touchpad.
By itself, he seems to press the touchpad button and it sticks. Further, during any work with a laptop, the touchpad works only for selection. I thought it was physically stuck, but after rebooting or logging out, it works fine back.
What could be the problem?

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9 answer(s)
Stepan, 2012-06-25

I have some sort of curse. After 2 years in Google I'm looking for the same problem but with AIR and I get to my own question ...

Kir Shatrov, 2010-11-12

I had this on a regular white macbook. In my opinion, from water getting into the cracks around the touchpad. It was treated by closing and opening the lid or connecting the mouse

Alexander Fadeev, 2015-04-23

The same problem. Arose after a few drops of water fell on the touchpad. However, he noticed that he solves it by simply wiping it with a napkin and alcohol. Apparently, sebum accumulates on the touchpad and normal contact disappears. And wiping completely solves the problem in a moment.

mrded, 2010-11-28

I have a similar problem on a white macbook. treated by repeatedly clicking on the touchpad, I think it's garbage anyway, and you need to disassemble and clean

achempion, 2016-01-31

There was a one-on-one problem, it was cured by replacing the touchpad. The click mechanism appears to be worn out. True, I do not have a proshka but an air.

Valentin Fetisov, 2017-01-30

The same garbage macbook pro (2011), at first, the small one flooded the touch itself with water, also pressed everything by itself, launched it - lived its own life. then the battery swollen stopped pressing (very tight) now I changed the battery, the problem with pressing has disappeared, it is pressed normally smoothly, but the problem with self-pressing has not disappeared. Probably need to replace the touchpad itself.

Dante001, 2018-05-09

It is strange that I have not found anywhere a description of the cause of the problem with the trackpad on the macbook that I had: dirt on the inside.
In general, the following helped from the naughty behavior of the trackpad (it reacted poorly to finger movements, the cursor moved spontaneously, and from time to time everything was fine): disassemble the Macbook, remove the trackpad, completely clean the trackpad itself and the place where it is placed. After that, it worked perfectly, like new.

Igor M, 2020-11-19

I had a similar problem on the 18 year old: jerky cursor movement. It turned out that the matter was in a non-original charging unit - I disconnect it from charging, everything works ok ..

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