zkweb2019-08-01 15:35:45
zkweb, 2019-08-01 15:35:45

Long running pdoPage + Gallery query, how to solve?

Prints time spent on database requests: 0.3285 s
Prints number of database requests: 1276
Prints time spent on PHP scripts: 6.0225 s
Prints total time spent on page generation: 6.3510 s

The album that is trying to open contains 1200 pictures.
How can work be optimized?

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1 answer(s)
zkweb, 2019-08-01

I decided this: I
made a snippet to check $_GET['galAlbum'] and check it like this:
[[ If? &subject=`[[!galleryStatus]]` &operator=`EQ` &operand=`0` ...
solved my problem )
[[!If? &subject=`[[!Gallery]]` &operator=`isempty` &then=`

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