turindd2021-07-12 16:17:18
turindd, 2021-07-12 16:17:18

Laravel how to add 2 collections to one collection?

How to add one collection to another?

$categories - a collection of all categories
$alias - an array of urls by which we are looking for categories
$array - all collections of categories should be saved here, but not in an array, otherwise it is difficult / inconvenient to get it later.

function searchCategoryAlias($categories, $alias, $array = null){

     foreach ($alias as $k => $v){

          $category = $categories->where('alias', $v);
          $array = collect($category);
     return $array;

should be stored in this form (collections)

and not in this form, i.e. if I declare an array $array[]

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2 answer(s)
turindd, 2021-07-14

here even I sweated) $category returns an array that needs to be passed through foreach and added to $array in it

Sergey delphinpro, 2021-07-12

You need to start by reading the documentation https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/collections
If then something is not clear, ask, showing what did not work out.

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