nikr19812020-08-03 06:32:02
nikr1981, 2020-08-03 06:32:02

Kernel-power 41 (63) turns off when you turn it on for the first time, how to fix it?

Good afternoon everyone, I ran into the problem of kernel-power 41 three months ago, an HP laptop turned off when watching a video, and also turned off immediately at the moment it was turned on. They wrote that this was a hardware failure, etc. .. I reinstalled Windows 10 and Everything worked like clockwork for 3 months, now this problem has reappeared.
It turns off at startup, then the next press of the power button and the laptop turns ON.5f2784e1a67ef830341361.jpeg5f2784ea77054391969572.jpeg5f2784f16564c697469752.jpeg

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