kAIST2011-03-26 17:17:32
kAIST, 2011-03-26 17:17:32

js not working using dynamicpage.js?

I myself am very poorly familiar with Javascript and other client technologies.
I'm putting together a website from what I can find on the net :)
The site runs on jQuery using dynamicpage.js (template taken from somewhere).
It took one of the pages to make a JavaScript calendar. So here's the problem:
For a direct link, everything works fine: new.photo-kzn.ru/calendar
but if you click on it from another page, JavaScript just doesn't work and the calendar is not displayed
other pages are ok...

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3 answer(s)
YourChief, 2011-03-26

split paths to scripts, you have js/… both there and there, and they are all relative, if it should be the same script for both the main and calendar folders, use absolute paths like /calendar/js/…

kAIST, 2011-03-26

Hmm, yes, there are a lot of errors, but the direct link works, the same 42 errors fall out :(

DileSoft, 2011-03-27

The pages are not identical.
On normal there is var DATE_INFO = {
123: {}
Not on the hash.

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