imageneyshen2019-07-09 14:24:04
imageneyshen, 2019-07-09 14:24:04

js books to choose?

While studying js (I'm a beginner) I came across an understanding that I'm stuck. I watch lessons on YouTube - one about multiplication variables and so on will tell and finish. You go to another channel, you watch only one video about functions, there is nothing else. You go to another channel, you look, you think something new, but in fact you have already gone through all this.
I want to break out of this wild circle of an overabundance of information and start learning js already. For it’s annoying that when you wake up in the morning and finish programming in the evening, you understand that you pecked bit by bit everywhere, but didn’t learn anything new.
Please advise good literature, courses or general advice on how to start learning this language tightly.

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2 answer(s)
DDDsa, 2019-07-09

I am not a javascript programmer, but so far they are only flooding and joking, I will offer my universal method.
You correctly identified the problem - there are a lot of disparate video lessons from which you can’t learn anything fundamentally, and you chose the right direction - to look not for video lessons, but for books.
When I look for a book on a programming language or framework, I usually first look for what was released in trusted publishers: for example, O'Reilly or Apress. Among them I am looking for a fresher book. Stop at some option and start studying calmly, without being distracted by newfangled courses and video tutorials.
You can also search, for example, here, on the toaster, similar questions. There were quite a few of them, you are not alone :)
Here is a very fresh one from Apress.
BUTI myself read this one from O'Reilly at one time, good.

Elvis, 2019-07-09


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