Albert Tobacco2015-03-06 16:09:04
Work organization
Albert Tobacco, 2015-03-06 16:09:04

Job search abroad. What to pay attention to?

Actually, I do not rule out going abroad to work in the future. Does work experience matter? Or will the actual one suffice?
Now my company is offering me a part-time job, I'm worried if this will be a stick in the wheel when I start looking for a job abroad?

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2 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2015-03-06

1) for employment, the actual value matters, for obtaining a visa, the official confirmed value matters
2) no, this is the same official length of service

misskatya, 2016-10-08

You need to pay attention to your knowledge of the language, because without it there is nothing to do in the IT field. My friend, when he went to work in the USA, improved his English here . He said that it was much easier to communicate and work there thanks to the classes.

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