dimacat2011-10-01 13:35:30
dimacat, 2011-10-01 13:35:30

Java open source projects

I want to participate in a Java open-source project. Maybe there is some kind of platform where one could find these, but Russian-speaking ones ? I would also be glad to see the addresses of English-language sites ( sourceforge.com , github.com - what else?). Thank you!

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4 answer(s)
Andrey, 2011-10-01

Maybe something from this list will work?

Igor Petrov, 2011-10-01

Look here . Maybe you will be interested.

spiff, 2011-10-12

If there is a desire to cut a linear algebra library in Java. Welcome. Here is the hosting - code.google.com/p/la4j , here is the blog - la4j.blogspot.com. I'm very busy with the project right now. The project is interesting from a design point of view - it is an attempt to implement a mat library based on design patterns.

atott, 2016-02-16

I invite you to the combiq.ru project, the repository is here https://github.com/combiq

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