javenue2011-03-23 02:25:39
javenue, 2011-03-23 02:25:39

Java Blog Development Ideas

Introduction. As far as I understand, the java-community on Habré is relatively small, and even more so there are very few authors on this topic. Dependence is clear: no articles - no readers; no readers - no point in writing. Nevertheless, sometimes very interesting articles come across. I wish there were more of them.

Thoughts. To increase the community, you can try writing articles "at the junction of several blogs", one of which will be Java, and the second - a blog with a high rating. For example:
— implementations of algorithms;
— server optimization;
- abnormal programming;
- Information Security;
- artificial intelligence;
- Web development;
etc. Such articles will certainly be interesting to read not only for java programmers.

Questions. What do you think about the above? What are your thoughts on developing the Java blog? Thank you.

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9 answer(s)
Zorkus, 2011-03-23

I have several articles on Java and JVM topics in drafts, but I still can’t get around to finishing them and posting them, sorry :(
I would be grateful if someone comments on what I would like to read more. Then I’ll somehow prioritize and try to find time in 1) Java - Atomitcs
and non-blocking algorithms in Java, concurrency.
2) Java - how it works inside Reflection.
3) Groovy - how closures, memoization of closures, recursive closures and lambdas work inside.
4) Metaprogramming in Groovy - AST transformations and Meta-Object Protocol.

p1nger, 2011-03-23

As an option, write an article "Searching for Java talent." Arrange a contest for non-habrausers, with a request to write more articles on relevant topics in the sandbox (or you can launch a specially small site for this). The best authors will be rewarded with an invite, thus increasing the popularity of the blog and the community.

Anatoly, 2011-03-23

There are no articles, not because the community is small, but because everyone can write. Want articles, write.

Max Kuznetsov, 2011-03-23

It seems to me that by writing articles in related blogs, you will not lure people from other languages ​​(and besides, with such a level that they can write articles). There is only one way out - to motivate the current participants by your example or in some other way.
The idea of ​​​​promoting a blog on habré deserves attention - a kind of habraseo :)

Sergey, 2011-03-23

Make a pop-up when entering a blog with the text "Who does not write an article, that n% dr!".
Of the pitfalls - there is no access to the code.
Ask the administration.

1nd1go, 2011-03-23

It would be great if they wrote about new versions of the JVM, what bugs they fixed, what they improved. This does not mean the transition from version 6 to 7, but releases, let's say the 6th version. Unfortunately, I have a slightly different profile of working with Java, so I can’t follow it myself, although I want to be aware of it. I think there are people who follow this.
Plus, it will give some periodic posts, which will make the blog more “alive”.

Vladimir Golovanov, 2011-04-07

Although I am a Java programmer, I am more and more inclined towards OOP as such, without being tied to a specific technology. After all, the correct approaches are basically the same implemented in similar languages.

Zorkus, 2011-03-23

In general, I support the idea - to publish a kind of “teaser” in advance, or something, and ask who would be interested in reading it.
Because in fact, a good deep technical article is 1-3 days for research, experiments and googling, and a day for actually writing the article.

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