tuttofatto2018-04-12 12:41:37
tuttofatto, 2018-04-12 12:41:37

It is necessary to analyze such a graph in Yandex.Metrica. What is the problem?

I can not understand why there are such sharp drawdowns in users. Logically, there were people, then the site "falls" or what? Hoster says he's all right. I can't figure out what's the problem

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2 answer(s)
Igor Vorotnev, 2018-04-12

To get started, connect site availability monitoring (there are a lot of services, for example https://www.webgazer.io/ or https://updown.io/), so you will know for sure whether the site is falling and whether the host is lying to you. If it definitely doesn't fall, then look further.

Artem Tsvetkov, 2018-04-25

This problem is probably the most relevant for all site users. It all depends on the topic, in general, as far as I know, traffic from Yandex is highly dependent on behavioral factors, that is, how useful your site was and how long the visitor spent, if less than 15 seconds, it is considered that your content was not useful and because of this it can lower the position of your site and vice versa

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