Sergey Vyvolokin2016-01-04 15:25:42
System administration
Sergey Vyvolokin, 2016-01-04 15:25:42

Is Windows Server 2012 R2 crashing?

Hello. I would like to know. Windows Server 2012 R2 was installed a long time ago. There was 4 GB of RAM enough for 2 virtual machines. But then I found 3 more bars of 4 GB each, put it in and the system is no longer loaded. Writes recovery -> sad smile -> cyclic reboot. This will always be the case, because going forward I want to replace these sticks with 8 GB. And how to be?

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2 answer(s)
res2001, 2016-01-04

Apparently one or more new dies are broken. Pull out all the new dies, and stick again one at a time and see how it loads and works. And it is even better to set memtest on each freshly stuck plate.
Another option, if the server hardware is any strongly branded, there may be requirements for memory and for filling slots with dice in a certain order. In mass-produced iron, as a rule, there are no specific requirements.

artanets1, 2016-01-04

I had a similar case of 4GB + 1GB of memory constantly restarting the computer before loading windows, in the BIOS I changed the RAM settings, everything worked. maybe you have something similar.

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